“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did do. So throw out your bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Basic Workshop Preparation:
What to Bring (for Africa, Cuba and Antarctica trips a more extensive, location-specific, list will be provided):
• To get the best images and understanding of the techniques discussed during the workshop, you should try to become familiar with the basic controls and settings for your camera. We can and do help you with the best settings for specific situations, but there are so many different camera models that we cannot know the operation of each. Lorne can give you a personal consultation, before the workshop begins, on specifically what equipment to bring.
• You can rent almost any piece of equipment you can think of (big long lenses for the wildlife included) for your trip and have them delivered directly to you from lensrentals or borrowlenses.
Everyone is welcome to bring a laptop computer for post-shoot critique and portfolio reviews. Participants can download thirty-day free trial versions of Photoshop and/or Lightroom if they don't already have them, from www.adobe.com. Both Mac and Windows machines are welcome!
• Notebook for writing notes
• Hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothes and good walking shoes
• Showing and sharing your work with Lorne is a vital part of moving forward. Bring a good selection of your work with you – not only travel images, but also a good selection of your favorite images, period. The easiest way to accomplish this is by having your images on a CD/DVD/thumbdrive or on your laptop.
• Digital photographers should bring lots of memory cards.
• Portable digital storage device (digital wallet), such as the hyperdrive. These are used to download images off your memory cards daily. Alternatively, you can download images to your laptop, if your laptop’s hard drive has enough room on it.
Setting Goals:
Before you arrive, spend a little time thinking about some things that you wish to achieve during your workshop. The list might include things like a critique of your work, new techniques to free your creativity, improved workflow, a better understanding of the medium and your place in it, generating new images for your portfolio, etc. Bring that list with you to the workshop – if Lorne knows what your goals are during your time, you are more likely to achieve them.
Asking Questions:
Learning happens on a different, deeper level when you are out shooting on location, rather than taking notes in a classroom. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Jot down questions before the workshop and maintain a running notebook page of questions that come up during the workshop.
Making Connections:
You’ll find making friends during the workshop an easy matter. Here, you will find people who share your love and energy for creating images. Getting to know other creative people who share your interests is an important part of the workshop. You’ll be spending a lot of time with the other participants learning and sharing.
Arriving Well Rested:
While there will be periods of time to rest and recharge most days will start early and end late. Come well rested and full of energy. Serendipity – being present in the moment to create great work, takes energy.
What to Read (pick one to read during your workshop!):
Here are some of Lorne’s favorite books on creativity and travel:
• On the Road – Jack Kerouac
• The Artist's Way – Julia Cameron
• Cracking Creativity/The Secrets of Creative Genius – Michael Michalko
• A Life in the Arts – Eric Maisel
• The War of Art – Steven Pressfield
• Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
• Out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass – Isak Dinesen
• A Whack on the Side of the Head : How You Can Be More Creative – Roger Von Oech
• The Innocent Anthropologist : Notes from a Mud Hut – Nigel Barley
• Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values – Robert M. Pirsig
• Travels with My Aunt – Graham Greene
• Jupiter's Travels: Four Years Around the World on a Triumph – Ted Simon
• Falling Off the Map: Some Lonely Places of The World – Pico Iyer
• Arabian Sands – Wilfred Thesiger
• Blue Highways – William Least Heat-Moon
• The Fearful Void – Geoffrey Moorhouse
• The Snow Leopard – Peter Matthiessen
• Venture to the Interior – Laurens van der Post